Discovering Tree Services Near Me: Ensuring Up to 95% Success Rate in Ash Borer Treatment

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Ash trees are magnificent, striking elements of nature that enhance landscapes with their grandeur and elegance. However, they are not immune to threats such as the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), which can wreak havoc on ash trees if left untreated. Treating ash borers becomes imperative to maintain tree health and prevent massive tree loss. The good news is that with technological advancements and research in the field, it is possible to achieve up to a 95% success rate in treating ash borer infestations.

Ash borer treatment involves various methods depending on the severity of the infestation, from insecticides to biological controls. Scholars and arboreal professionals have found that injecting emamectin benzoate into an infested tree can reduce EAB larvae by up to 99 percent for two years. This is an important milestone in avoiding tree mortality due to EAB.

Systemic pesticides like imidacloprid or dinotefuran are also effective treatment methods when applied as soil injections or drenches around the base of an ash tree. These treatments circulate within the tree’s system, killing EAB larvae as they feed on the tree’s tissues.

Biological controls include releasing parasitoid wasps that target EAB eggs or larvae, acting as natural predators. While this method may not provide immediate results like insecticides, it contributes significantly towards long-term population control.

Here are more key points about these treatments:

  • Emamectin benzoate injections – these offer protection for two years and have shown excellent efficacy against EAB.
  • Soil-applied systemic insecticides – these work best when applied in early spring or fall.
  • Biological controls – these can be used in conjunction with insecticides for more effective results.

Furthermore, regular monitoring and early detection play crucial roles in the successful treatment of EAB. It allows for timely intervention, drastically increasing the possibility of saving the tree and preventing further spread.

Different factors contribute to the success rate of the treatment. These include:

  • The extent of infestation: Early-stage infestations are more manageable and have a higher success rate.
  • Size and health of the tree: Larger, healthier trees respond better to treatments.
  • Timing of application: Treatments should ideally be applied during early stages of larval activity.

Despite having an up to 95% success rate, no treatment guarantees complete eradication. However, these methods ensure significant control over EAB populations and give ash trees a fighting chance against this damaging pest. It is recommended for homeowners and property managers to consult with professional arborists for appropriate diagnosis and strategic treatment planning to ensure maximum effectiveness.


The emerald ash borer (EAB) is a green buprestid or jewel beetle native to north-eastern Asia, and has become an invasive species in North America. It is responsible for the destruction of tens of millions of ash trees in 30 states in the United States and Canada since it was first identified in Michigan in 2002.

Given the scale of its devastation, an important question arises: How effective is emerald ash borer treatment? To answer this, let’s dive into specifics about EAB treatment methods and their effectiveness.

Types of EAB Treatments

There are several options available for treating emerald ash borer infestation which include insecticides, biological control, and tree removal.

  1. Insecticides: This is the most common method used to control EAB populations by either injecting or spraying chemicals directly on affected trees. Treatment with insecticides like Imidacloprid, Emamectin Benzoate or Dinotefuran has been reported to provide two years of protection.
  2. Biological Control: This method involves releasing natural enemies such as parasitic wasps to reduce EAB population.
  3. Tree Removal: For heavily infested trees that cannot be saved, removal is often recommended to prevent further spread.

Effectiveness Evaluation

  1. Insecticides: The success rate for insecticide treatments largely depends on the timing and method used. Injected treatments are usually most effective when applied in spring or early summer when EAB larvae are actively feeding inside the tree and can ingest lethal doses. Studies have shown that properly applied insecticide treatments can result in 85-95% control of EAB.
  2. Biological Control: This is a long-term solution as it relies on increasing population of introduced parasitoids over time. However, it has been shown to be effective especially in areas where chemical use is limited or restricted.
  3. Tree Removal: This method is 100% effective in eliminating a local EAB population, but its downside is the removal of potentially valuable trees and the disruption it can cause.

The effectiveness of any EAB treatment method does not only depend on the method itself, but also on the timing, tree species, size and condition of the tree and local EAB population pressure. Therefore, a comprehensive analysis that takes all these factors into account should be carried out before deciding on the best treatment option.

Post-Treatment Monitoring

After administering treatment, continuous monitoring of ash trees for signs of new infestation is crucial. Regular check-ups should be conducted at least twice a year – in spring when adult beetles emerge from trees and in fall when larvae are feeding inside trees.

To sum up, emerald ash borer treatments do work if implemented properly and monitored regularly. However, they are not a one-time solution and require ongoing commitment for best results. Working with a professional arborist can ensure that you’re choosing the right treatment option tailored to your specific situation.


Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is a beetle species native to Asia, which, upon entering North America and Europe, has caused significant harm to ash trees. The beetles’ larvae feed on the inner bark of the trees, disrupting their ability to transport water and nutrients.

Given the rapid spread and severe impact of EAB, it’s crucial that property owners can identify an infestation quickly. Here are a few key signs that your tree might be affected by this destructive pest:

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EAB adults bore D-shaped holes when they exit the tree after metamorphosis. These are about 1/8 inch in diameter and can be found anywhere on the trunk or branches.

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Often one of the first visible signs of EAB infection is a thinning or dying canopy. As the larvae interrupt the flow of nutrients, up to 50% of a tree’s branches may die after just two years of infestation.

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Look for vertical splits in the bark revealing serpentine, S-shaped tunnels underneath. These galleries are left by feeding larvae and filled with frass — a fine mixture of sawdust-like material and insect droppings.

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Woodpeckers feast on EAB larvae, so if you notice high levels of woodpecker activity or damage on your ash trees, it could be an indication that EAB is present.

However, accurately identifying EAB can be difficult as these symptoms can also indicate other diseases or pests. If you suspect Emerald Ash Borer infestation, consider these more conclusive methods:

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A certified arborist can provide a reliable diagnosis. They will assess your tree’s health using specialized tools and techniques such as branch sampling or bark peeling to look for larvae or their tell-tale galleries.

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Traps baited with specific EAB pheromones can be placed around the property to catch and identify the beetles. If captured, they can be sent to a laboratory for formal identification.

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In cases of uncertainty, DNA barcoding can be used to confirm an EAB infection. This involves extracting DNA from a specimen (either adult beetles or larvae) and comparing it to a barcode database of known species.

Being able to identify an Emerald Ash Borer infestation early is crucial in managing its destructive impact. While the signs above can help, professional help is always advisable due to the complexity of definitively diagnosing EAB. By being vigilant and proactive, property owners can contribute significantly to preserving our valuable ash tree populations.


As a homeowner, you naturally want to protect your property and the beautiful greenery that enhances it. If your landscape includes ash trees, you may find yourself grappling with the question of whether you can handle Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) treatment on your own or if professional service is necessary.

Emerald Ash Borer is an invasive beetle species that poses a significant threat to ash trees. These destructive beetles bore into the bark of ash trees, disrupting their ability to transport water and nutrients, ultimately causing the tree’s death.

Understanding Emerald Ash Borer Treatment

Effective EAB treatment involves injecting insecticides directly into the tree, targeting the larvae living beneath the bark. There are various insecticides available in the market, such as Emamectin Benzoate and Imidacloprid. These are typically diluted in water and injected at multiple points around the base of an ash tree.

DIY Treatment: Pros and Cons

Many homeowners may contemplate DIY treatment as a cost-saving measure. While it’s true that doing it yourself can save on initial costs, there are several factors to consider:

  • Knowledge & Experience: Effective treatment requires knowledge of correct injection methods, choice of appropriate insecticide, and understanding of EAB’s life cycle.
  • Time & Effort: The process can be time-consuming and physically demanding.
  • Efficacy: Improper application may render the treatment ineffective or even damage the tree further.
  • Safety Concerns: Handling insecticides needs caution as they can be hazardous.

Opting for Professional Service

On the contrary, here are reasons why employing professional service could be beneficial:

  • Expert Knowledge & Skills: Professionals have extensive training and experience in dealing with EAB infestation.
  • Proper Tools & Equipment: They possess all necessary tools and equipment for effective treatment.
  • Safety: Professionals are well-versed with safety measures during insecticide handling.
  • Continued Monitoring: They don’t just treat; they monitor to ensure the infestation is under control and offer advice on preventive measures.

Weighing Your Options

Choosing between DIY and professional service is a decision that should be based on various factors. These may include the extent of the infestation, your budget, time, and competency in handling the treatment process.

One possible approach could be starting with a professional tree inspection to determine the extent of the problem. Some companies offer this service for free or at a nominal cost. After evaluating their findings, you can then decide whether to undertake DIY treatment or engage their services.

Remember, while the DIY route might seem cost-effective initially, if not done correctly, it could lead to more extensive damage and higher expenses in the long run. In contrast, hiring professionals may come with a higher upfront cost but could save your precious ash trees and provide peace of mind.

Ultimately, saving your ash trees from Emerald Ash Borer infestation is crucial to maintaining the health of your landscape. Whether you choose DIY or professional service should depend on what best suits your situation and ensures effective treatment for these threatened trees.


The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is a notorious tree pest that has been responsible for the destruction of millions of ash trees in North America. Therefore, understanding the best period to treat for this pest is crucial in maintaining a healthy and thriving tree population. This section will delve into when it is most effective to treat your trees for EAB infestation and why timing is critical.

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To understand when it’s best to treat for EAB, it’s important to first understand the lifecycle of this pest. The EAB follows a one-year life cycle in most areas:

  • Spring (April – June): Adult beetles emerge from their host trees and start feeding on leaves.
  • Early Summer (June – July): The females lay eggs on ash trees.
  • Mid-Summer (July – August): The eggs hatch into larvae which then bore into the bark of trees.
  • Fall & Winter (September – March): The larvae turn into pupae, overwinter within the tree, and transform into adults ready to emerge come spring.

Optimal Timeframe for Tree Trimming in Akron OH

Generally speaking, insecticide treatments are most effective when applied between late spring and early fall. This timing aligns with the active feeding and breeding periods in the EAB life cycle.

  • Late Spring to Early Summer: Insecticides work best during this period as it coincides with when adult beetles are starting to feed and lay eggs. Treatment during this period can prevent an infestation from establishing or curb an existing one.
  • Mid-Summer to Early Fall: Even though fewer adults are active during these months, treatment can still be beneficial as it targets newly hatched larvae before they have a chance to burrow deep into the tree where they’re less susceptible to treatment.

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While the late spring and early fall periods stand out as the most effective times for treatment, treating in the off-season, especially for heavily infested trees, can prove beneficial. Insecticides applied during fall or very early spring can help suppress overwintering larvae and emerging adults, limiting their population come peak season.

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Several factors can influence when to treat for EAB:

  • Geographic location: The exact timing of EAB lifecycle stages varies by region due to differences in climate.
  • Tree health: Infestation severity and general health of the tree can affect the ideal timing for treatment.
  • Local regulations: Some areas may have specific regulations on when certain types of pesticides can be applied.

In conclusion, implementing an integrated pest management strategy that involves proper timing is key to controlling EAB infestations. By understanding the lifecycle of these pests and applying treatments at critical times, we can make strides towards preserving our ash tree populations. Everywhere from local parks to private backyards, this knowledge is crucial in maintaining a balanced ecosystem.